Brightstar Resources’ Alpha Project hosts a combined JORC 2012-compliant Mineral Resource of 1,452 Au at 2.3g/t for 106koz ounces. The Alpha Project is located approximately 35km West of Laverton, and 15km from the Brightstar Plant.
Tonnes (kt) | Grade (g/t AU) | Contained (koz) |
Measured | 623 | 1.6 | 33 |
Indicated |
2.1 | 25 |
Inferred | 455 | 3.3 | 48 |
Total | 1,452 |
Brightstar Resources’ upcoming three-year plan will include a significant exploration programme for Alpha, with a view to potentially capitalising on Alpha’s relative proximity to the Beta Project and Brightstar Plant in returning the Plant to production.
The geology of Alpha is comprised of foliated basalt and mafic schist. The upper tertiary surface can be up to 10 m thick. It includes recently deposited soil or hardband of up to 4 m. Beneath the surface layer is saprolite, which has been described as soft, machine-rippable, and indurated in places. Basement within the area is comprised of mafic volcanic rocks with interleaved narrow units of ultramafic rocks, some dolerite and interflow volcanogenic sediments.

Alpha Pit